

Taylor Armstrong and Barbie™ Rocks on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills

The always stunning Taylor Armstrong bought Sterling Barbie™ Rocks Silhouette Necklaces as party favors at her daughter's birthday party, as seen on a great episode of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: It's My Party And I'll Spend If I Want To!

Now you can get matching necklaces for you and your little one, too!  Get Yours Here!

Khloe & Lamar

Khloe Kardashian must love her 18 Kt. Black Diamond Luxe Silhouette Necklace from Barbie™ Rocks, cause she seems to be wearing it in so many episodes of her hit show Khloe & Lamar!  That girl has great taste in jewelry! ;-)   Get Yours Here!


Bachelor Pad 2!

Just spotted Vienna wearing her Pink Sapphire Luxe Silhouette Necklace on the commercial for Bachelor Pad 2!  Get Yours Here!

Famous Fans

Just a few of our favorite fans wearing their Barbie™ Rocks and wearing them well!


Welcome to the Barbie™ Rocks Blog!

 Be sure to check out our full line of jewelry at www.BarbieRocks.com!